7 step guide – preparing for your photoshoot (Part 2)

7 step guide – preparing for your photoshoot (Part 2) Welcome to part 2 of our 7 step guide – preparing for your photoshoot, if you haven’t read part 1 yet I suggest you stop reading this post and start from the beginning, you can find it here www.pinupmakeover.co.uk/7-step-guide-preparing-photoshoot-part-1/. As mentioned in part 1 I…

7 step guide – preparing for your photoshoot (Part 1)

7 step guide – preparing for your photoshoot This guide is as relevant to the professional model, as it is to the lady venturing out on her first makeover & photoshoot. Professional models tend to keep themselves shoot ready, as they’re regularly in and out of photoshoots and this is where this guide serves as…